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What's the exact meaning of "załatwić" in different contexts?


asked by
2 months ago

Hi everyone! I keep coming across the verb "załatwić" and I'm having trouble understanding all its different uses. I first saw it in a text message from my Polish friend who said "Załatwię to jutro" about getting some documents from an office.

From context, I thought it meant something like "take care of" or "handle," but then I've seen it used in completely different situations. Like someone saying they can "załatwić" tickets to a concert, or "załatwić" a job for someone.

Thanks in advance for any help! These versatile Polish verbs are driving me crazy 😅

1 answer
answered by
2 months ago

Hello Sylvia, thanks for the question. The Polish verb "załatwić" is indeed quite versatile and can mean different things depending on the context. At its core, it generally means "to handle," "to take care of," or "to arrange." Below are some common contexts and nuances of this verb:

1. To Handle or Take Care Of

Often used when referring to completing a task, solving a problem, or dealing with a situation. Example:

Załatwię to jutro. (I’ll take care of it tomorrow.)

Muszę załatwić dokumenty w urzędzie. (I need to handle some documents at the office.)

2. To Arrange or Secure

Used when organizing or obtaining something, often through effort or connections. Example:

Załatwiłem bilety na koncert. (I got the tickets for the concert.)

Ktoś mi załatwił tę pracę. (Someone arranged this job for me.)

3. To Deal With (in a Confrontational or Finalizing Way)

Can mean to "deal with" someone or something decisively, sometimes implying confrontation or elimination. Example:

Załatwię tego gościa! (I’ll deal with that guy!)

Musimy załatwić tę sprawę raz na zawsze. (We need to settle this matter once and for all.)

4. To Use a Bathroom (Colloquial)

In an informal context, it can mean “to relieve oneself” or “to go to the bathroom.” Example:

Idę się załatwić. (I’m going to the bathroom.)

Feel free to share more examples if you’d like help deciphering them! 😊

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