What Is the Fastest Way to Learn a Language?
Language learning tips
asked by
Kelly published
over 4 years ago
Everyone will have a different experience when learning a new language, and some people will naturally learn faster than others. However, there are a few things everyone can do to help make progress as quickly as possible.
1) Set Targets
Make a plan and set targets. If you start learning another language without a plan, you will soon be overwhelmed, and your unstructured learning will slow you down. Your targets shouldn't be so difficult that you lose motivation, but they need to be difficult enough for you to push and challenge yourself.
Break it down week-by-week; perhaps by the end of the first week you want to have learned 50 new words and one new grammar structure; by the end of the second week, you want to have learned 70 new words and so on.
2) Focus on the Important Words
Every language has a list of around 1000 words that are the most important as they are the most used. It is always a good idea to focus on these words and build the language around them. Don't waste time learning words that you will never use.
3) Use Resources to Help You
Learning alone isn't a problem, as long as you have the right resources to make progress. Find out the best books to study, and use language learning websites to practice and test your skills.
1 answer
answered by
Pawel published
over 4 years ago
Good ideas Kelly, I think one of the mistakes I have made was not having a detailed plan and learning in chaotic way. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, I make some progress but it is very slow.
Regarding resources, I think that it is a good strategy, at least initially, to focus on one, good resource and completing it. If we do it, we can see how we progress (today I am doing chapter 9 but next week I will finish chapter 12) which is very important when learnig foreign language.
By the way, can you let us know how you managed to learn foreing languages? What is your story? 😀
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