Two good reasources for French language learners

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over 4 years ago
It is not really a question, I just wanted to share two nice resources for people learning French. After a few years of learning French, I finally manage to use original resources and I have to say, they are much better than anything created for language learners. Thirst thing I want to share is an online magazine You will find there a lot of interesting and fairly short articles in a variety of topics (health, politics, tech, culture, science, etc.) Depending on the author, many of the articles are fairly easy to read but even it the language is too advance and you struggle with understanding, the articles are quite short so it is always possible to finish one. The second resource is actually a writer. His name is a Marc Thil, and he is the author of many nice books available on Amazon and Audible. These are the books for teenagers so perhaps not for everybody's taste. But I really like them because they contain fairly easy language and many adventures. I hope you have found it useful. Please write below what do you think of these French language resources and share yours as well.
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