The best Youtube channel to learn English


asked by
about 4 years ago
What Youtube channels you can recommend for learning English?
4 answers
answered by
about 4 years ago

Hi, the best youtube channels are the ones you enjoy watching. Watching videos of channels made for not native speakers is most of the time not beneficial for you. You should watch content that is very close to a natural and real one. So I would encourage you to watch EasyEnglish, TedTalk or just go for movies with subtitles or just type what you like (even tutorials and stuff like that) and turn on the subtitles filter which for English is very very frequent. Movies are pretty tough to follow all throughout at the beginning so be careful.

We also have a YouTube channel for English Repeto English

But we haven't uploaded much lately. We'll try our best to do so in the near future. Take care! 😀

answered by
Mony Krishnan
about 4 years ago

Hi, the best youtube channels are the ones you enjoy watching. Watching videos of channels made for not native speakers is most of the time not beneficial for you. You should watch content that is very close to a natural and real one. So I would encourage you to watch EasyEnglish, TedTalk or just go for movies with subtitles or just type what you like (even tutorials and stuff like that) and turn on the subtitles filter which for English is very very frequent. Movies are pretty tough to follow all throughout at the beginning so be careful.

answered by
Mony Krishnan
about 4 years ago

Hi, This channel thorugh english study is best one. I like too much, because it is very simple and very fast understing method. Simple story says teaching english very fastly and thoroughly.

answered by
about 4 years ago

I agree with Mony, the trick is to find a Youtube channel interesting to watch. It doesn't have to be channel created for language learners.

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