Welcome to another vocabulary lesson! I promise, I will write more about Polish grammar soon :)
This time I will teach you some Polish words and expressions about working, jobs and professions. We will start with basic Polish sentence that can describe somebody's job.
I think the easiest way to do so is to use Play audio Pracuję jako ... I work as a ... and then add the name of the job. You could also simply say: Jestem lekarzem I am a doctor but that in Polish would require putting the name of the profession into the so-called instrumental case and is, therefore, more difficult. So at least for the time being stick to Pracuję jako ... I work as a ... and add the name of the profession from the dictionary in the basic form. Here are a few examples:
Pracuję jako kierowca I work as a driver
Pracuję jako piekarz I work as a baker
Pracuję jako chirurg I work as a surgeon
Pracuję jako inżynier I work as an engineer
And here's some more examples:
Pracuję jako ... architekt, naukowiec, murarz, tynkarz, rzeźnik, rolnik, stolarz, elektryk, hydraulik, ślusarz, spawacz I work as a ... architect, scientist, bricklayer, plasterer, butcher, farmer, carpenter, electrician, plumber, locksmith, welder
Pracuję jako ... ogrodnik, mechanik, górnik, malarz, fotograf, pilot, żołnierz, weterynarz, kierownik, ochroniarz I work as a ... gardener, mechanic, miner, painter, photographer, pilot, soldier, vet, manager, security guard
Of course, these few jobs we have seen so far do not cover all the possibilities but before we will continue, one point. It is quite common in the Polish language that the name of the job slightly differs depending on the gender of the person who has it. This also happens in English, for instance, we say a waiter and waitress as well as policeman and policewoman. The same in Polish, it is very such variations are very common so you sometimes will need to refer to the dictionary for the correct name of the jobs. But let's add some more.
Men's professions Play audio
nauczyciel, lekarz, dentysta, pielęgniarz, farmaceuta, dziennikarz, księgowy, prawnik, sprzedawca, kasjer, laborant, bibliotekarz, fryzjer, krawiec, dyrektor, urzędnik teacher, doctor, dentist, male nurse, pharmacist, journalist, accountant, shop assistant, cashier, lab assistant, librarian, barber, director, clerk
Women's professions Play audio
nauczycielka, lekarka, dentystka, pielęgniarka, farmaceutka, dziennikarka, księgowa, prawniczka, sprzedawczyni, kasjerka, laborantka, bibliotekarka, fryzjerka, krawcowa, dyrektorka, urzędniczka teacher, doctor, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, journalist, accountant, shop assistant, cashier, lab assistant, librarian, hair dresser, director, clerk
I think that saying what we do is not enough. We need to be a bit more ambitious and learn some more useful Polish phrases that will allow talking about professions. Talking about a job is quite a popular topic, we are always curious about what other people and want to know what they do and if they like doing it. Here are a few further Polish sentences that will help us:
Czym się zajmujesz? What do you do (for a living)?
Jaki jest twój zawód? What is your job?
Nie pracuję, dopiero szukam pracy I do not work, I am just looking for a job
Jestem studentem, studiuję ... biologię, matematykę, chemię, historię, geografię, język angileski, język polski, IT I am a student, I study ... biology, mathematics, chemistry, history, geography, English language, Polish language, IT
Gdzie pracujesz? Where do you work?
Pracuję w sklepie I work at a shop
Pracuję w fabryce I work at a factory
Pracuję w biurze I work at the office
Pracuję na budowie I work on the building site.
We can actually combine these two short sentences into a longer one.
Pracuję w szpitalu jako lekarka I work at a hospital as a doctor
Pracuję w szkole jako dyrektor I work at a school as a director
Pracuję w firmie jako księgowy I work in a company as an accountant
Pracuję na budowie jako murarz I wofk on a building site as a bricklayer
Pracuję w przedszkolu jako nauczycielka I work at a nursery as a teacher
Pracuję w biurze jako architekt I work at the office as an architect
Szukam pracy I am looking for a job
Jestem bezrobotny I am unemployed (man)
Jestem bezrobotna I am unemployed (woman)
Jestem już na emeryturze I am already retired
Jestem na rencie I am on disability benefit
Jestem chory i nie mogę pracować I am ill and cannot work (man)
W jakich godzinach pracujesz? What hours do you work?
Czy pracujesz w czasie weekendu? Do you work during weekends?
Czy pracujesz na zmiany? Do you work shifts?
Czy lubisz swoją pracę? Do you like your job?
Let's finish this lesson with the conjugation of the verb "to work" so you will know how to use it correctly in different situations. I will only cover the verb in the present tense.
Ja pracuję I work
Ty pracujesz You work
On pracuje He works (masculin)
Ona pracuje She works (feminin)
Ono pracuje It works (neutral)
My pracujemy We work
Wy pracujecie You work
Oni pracują They work (masculin).
One pracują They Work (feminine)
I hope you have found it useful. Please visit the Polish language section for more resources and lessons.