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Polish sayings
asked by
Stefan published
over 2 years ago
When using the Polish language, do we use well-known Polish sayings and idioms that are common in everyday speech?
2 answers
answered by
Paulina published
over 2 years ago
There is quite a few Polish sayings, proverbs and idioms and I think it is a good idea to remember the popular ones by heart and use them frequently. It is a nice way to build your vocabulary 😀
As in other languages, Polish saying usually do not have literal meaning and should not be translated literally.
Polish sayings can come from various sources, including:
- everyday life, e.g., kopnąć w kalendarz to die
- literaturÄ™, e.g., dantejskie sceny shocking and macabre scenes,
- history e.g., kości zostały rzucone taking a risky decision,
- Bible e.g., hiobowe wieści bad, tragic news
- mythology e.g. puszka Pandory a source of difficulty and misery
Besides, a lot of Polish sayings are connected with the animal world (e.g. uparty jako osioł someone who is difficult to persuade to do something), with the human body (e.g. mieć cały dom na głowie to cope alone with all the chores) or with colours (e.g. biały kruk a rare, valuable specimen).
Below I will present some Polish sayings which is most often used by the Poles.
Popular Polish sayings:
- mieć muchy w nosie be in a bad mood, have chip on the shoulder
- porywać się z motyką na słońce to be too ambitious and unrealistic
- twardy orzech do zgryzienia a difficult problem, a tought nut to crack
- spalić na panewce to fail
- w gorÄ…cej wodzie kÄ…pany to be impatient, impulsive
- drzeć z kimś koty to argue with somebody, to be in conflict with somebody
- piąte koło u wozu quarrel, have a disagreement with someone,
- czarna owca a person who is regarded as inferior in a particular group
- nie zawracaj mi gitary! leave me alone!
- pluć sobie w brodę to be dissapointed of own actions, to regret
- mieć duszę na ramieniu to fear, to dread something
A Polish saying is made up of several words. It becomes incomprehensible if we change even one word in it. It is quite difficult to translate it into other languages.
BTW there is check similar question that was published some time ago Funny Polish sayings and idioms.
answered by
Stefan published
over 2 years ago
this is awesome, thanks a lot Paulina!
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