Polish numbers


asked by
about 5 years ago
Hi! I'm a beginner at polish. Can you explain me some numbers in Polish and how to read them?
2 answers
answered by
about 5 years ago

Hi! Sure, let me explain you numbers from 1 to 100 in Polish 😀 I'll also provide you with the audio.

Let start with Polish numbers from 1 to 20 first and then we will learn numbers like 30, 40, 50 and so on up to 100. I will also explain how to create in Polish numbers like 27, 47, 87. For a change this is relatively easy :) OK, let's start:

Polish numbers 1-20

Number Pronunciation Polish
1 Play audio jeden
2 Play audio dwa
3 Play audio trzy
4 Play audio cztery
5 Play audio pięć
6 Play audio sześć
7 Play audio siedem
8 Play audio osiem
9 Play audio dziewięć
10 Play audio dziesięć
11 Play audio jedenaście
12 Play audio dwanaście
13 Play audio trzynaście
14 Play audio czternaście
15 Play audio piętnaście
16 Play audio szesnaście
17 Play audio siedemnaście
18 Play audio osiemnaście
19 Play audio dziewiętnaście
20 Play audio dwadzieścia

Let's say them also one by one: Play audio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.

Now Polish numbers like 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on until 100. Here we go:

Polish numbers 10, 20... 100

Number Pronunciation Polish
10Play audiodziesięć
20Play audiodwadzieścia
30 Play audio trzydzieści
40Play audioczterdzieści
50Play audiopięćdziesiąt
60Play audiosześćdziesiąt
70Play audiosiedemdziesiÄ…t
80Play audioosiemdziesiÄ…t
90Play audiodziewięćdziesiąt
100Play audiosto

And again, let's say them one by one: Play audio 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100.

If you looked carefully you might notice a pattern or patterns, these numbers are created by using the "teen" number and one of the endings: dzieści, dziesiąt. Of course, one hundred (sto) is not created using any of this pattern, it is just separate word.

Finally, lets have a look how we can create numbers like 45, 27, 88, 91 and so on. I mentioned this is quite simple once you know all the numbers above. To create complex numbers like 34, 65, 81 and so on, you need to combine bigger number with smaller number. For instance number:

Play audio 57 pięćdziesiąt siedem (It is like saying quickly "50" and "7")

Play audio 93 dziewięćdziesiąt trzy (Say 90 and 3)

Play audio 88 osiemdziesiÄ…t osiem (Say 80 and 8)

Play audio 46 czterdzieści sześć (Say 40 and 6)

Play audio 25 dwadzieścia pięć (Say 20 and 5)

Play audio 33 trzydzieści trzy (Say 30 and 3)

Play audio 61 sześćdziesiąt jeden (Say 60 and 1)

Play audio 74 siedemdziesiÄ…t cztery (Say 70 and 4)

That is all really, I hope you have found this informative. I agree, learning the Polish numbers and any other numbers is perhaps not exciting but they are a very important part of the language and you will use them a lot. To learn just visit this page a few times, play audio files and try to pronounce Polish numbers many times. It is also a good idea to create random numbers yourself and try to pronounce them. If you are not sure if you are correct, you can refer to this page or even use google translate - if you type number there and set the translation to Polish, it will give you decent pronunciation.

Please leave an answer below if you have any question regarding Polish numbers or Polish language.

answered by
over 3 years ago

It is worth mentioning the number "one hundred" and more ("sto"). For example, saying: 112 "one hundred and twelve" we use the names of hundreds, or "sto" and "dwanaście" (say "hundred" and "twelve"). When you say 138 "one hundred and thirty-eight" you say "sto trzydzieści osiem" (say" hundred "," thirty "and" eight ").

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