New Polish Culture Quiz

Language resources Polish

asked by
9 months ago
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Polish Culture Quiz
6 answers
answered by
Ania Marysia
9 months ago
Patel the air is still not working on my iPad and it’s a real problem for me! Any chance it’s going to ever get fixed and anytime soon?
answered by
Ania Marysia
9 months ago
answered by
9 months ago
Hi Pawel, I have just tried the quiz and learned a new phrase (kopnąć w kalendarz). I like the quiz, and for me, any exercises which test learning and help to reinforce what I have learned is useful. 

I scored 80% but now I know where I went wrong will get 100% next time!
answered by
Ania Marysia
9 months ago
Paweł excuse the English, but I just wanted to make sure this is clear. So the App is still not working on my iPad which not only makes me unhappy, but it keeps me from using it as often. Therefore, if it doesn’t get fixed this month, I don’t want to pay for this app anymore. Plus I kind of feel that this app is a little bit too elementary for me at this point, but I would prefer that they just fix it because I really like the app a lot. I like the repetition. I haven’t even used that new feature because I don’t remember how to do it so anyway let me know if it’s going to get fixed for the iPad and if not how I can stop from making further payments please. Keep in mind also that since I have four other teachers six days a week that I spend a lot of money on trying to learn the language. I enjoy it so very much and I have bought a lot of polish language materials that fortunately are not expensive but I have invested deeply into this, so please, as I know you will, get back to me  about this being corrected. I also want to mention to you, so I hope you read this, that Adam and Kaitlin are expecting their second baby that everybody’s overjoyed with in October and my brother Charles with the brain damage is about the same. Hoping he lives to see the new baby. Don’t remember if you ever told me if you got to see the French Johnny Depp movie and if you enjoyed it?
answered by
2 months ago

Pawel, that quiz is amazing! I got 7 out of 10. 

answered by
about 2 months ago
Well done Olga!
I should have a bit of free time and will publish another one soon

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