Most popular idioms in Spanish


asked by
Cassandra Bilyeu
over 5 years ago

Hola, I'd like to know some very popular idioms in Spanish please

1 answer
answered by
over 5 years ago

Hola! 😀I'd like to present to you 17 of the most common in Spanish. Knowing them will help you understand language and sound more like a native.

a) Tomar el pelo

English: to pull someone's leg

You use "Tomar el pelo", when you want to say that you don't believe someone - but in a friendly way

Katie: He concido a Katy Perry. I have met Katy Perry

James: ¡Me estás tomando en pelo!

b) Lo dijo de labios para fuera

English: to say something you didn't mean

Firstly speaking, then thinking? Happens to everyone :) That's why it is important to know this phrase. When you want to say it, it looks like this: Lo dije de labios para fuera

c) Estar hecho un ají

English: to be furious

That's a strong idiom which you use when you're really angry. You say estoy hecho un ajì

d) Estar más sano que una pera

English: To be fit as a fiddle

In other words, to be very fit, in good health. You can use it, for example, when you're saying about someone old, who is in great health.

Mi abuelo tiene 80 años y está más sano que una perra my grandpa is 80 years old and is as fit as a fiddle

e) Ser uña y carne

English: to be best friends

What a cute way to say about people who are inseparable :)

Monica y yo somos uña y carne

f) Estar en la edad del pavo

English: to be at awkward teenage years

That's an interesting one, isn't it? Teenage years can be beautiful, but that's the period when youth become more and more aware of how the world works - first love, responsibilities. Estoy en la edad del pavo I'm a teenager

g) Ser del año de la pera

English: to be as old as the hills

From a different point of view - you can say alguien es viejo someone is old or show off with more advanced phrase alguien es del año de la perra

h) No hay color

English: there's no comparison

That's a tricky one because it's difficult to come up with the definition on one's own. You use it when you want to point out that there are only a few (or there aren't any) differences between two things.

Katie: Canto mejor que tú I sing better than you

James: No hay color!

i) Estar sin blanca

English: To be broke (not to have money)

No nos gusta estar sin blanca, ¿verdad? We don't like being broke, do we?

j) Acostarse con las gallinas

English: To go to bed early

Fun fact for polish (my native language) learners: there's exactly the same expression meaning exactly the same :)

Remember, acostarse con las gallinas es bien para tu salud remember, going to bed early is good for your health...

...but the last episode of your favorite TV show won't watch itself, will it?😁

k) Ser un ave nocturna

English: To be a night owl

This one you'll use while describing someone, who learn, works and generally feels better during the nights hours.

l) Dormirse en los laureles

English:To rest on your laurels

That's the easiest thing to do...which means we shouldn't do it! Keep challenging yourself and be better and better!

m)Dos pajaros de un tiro

English: to kill two birds with one stone

So, for example, when you go to a language course (we highly encourage you to do it, especially during summer vacation! 😊) you learn and meet new people at the same. Good for you!

n)Pasarse de la raya

English: to cross the line

To say too much without thinking, to act without giving it a thought... sometimes you can hurt someone (even unwittingly), so remember: ¡no debes pasarse de la raya! You shouldn't cross the line!

o) Pedir peras al olmo

English: To expect something that is impossible to happen

So remember, to learn a new language you should be consistent and hard-working. Otherwise, you pides peras al olmo.

p) Ser pan comido

English: to be a piece of cake

A friend of mine has this, I can call it, magic ability. Wherever she goes, she makes new friend and everyone likes her! That was my first thought when I was writing about this idiom. Do you have something you do very easily? :)

r) Tener agallas

English: to be brave

Remember! It isn't alway used in a good way (when you want to compliment someone). Sometimes it means: you shouldn't be doing something, for example: Tienes agallas para dicerlo para mi. You are brave to say that to me.

That's all :) Did you know some of them? Or maybe all of them were new to you? No te dormies en los laureles!

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