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Months in Polish with audio


asked by
about 5 years ago
Can you teach me the names of the months in Polish? How to pronounce them?
2 answers
answered by
about 5 years ago

Thanks for you question. Not a problem, please find the names of the months in Polish. I will also give you some additional information on how to actually use them in sentences.

Let's start by trying to remember just the basic forms. Please have a look at the table below and play sounds of individual months.

Names of the months in Polish:

Polish Sound English

And here one audio file with all the names of the months: styczeń, luty, marzec, kwiecień, maj, czerwiec, lipiec, sierpień, wrzesień, październik, listopad, grudzień.

Knowing the names of the months in Polish is a partial success. We also need to know how to say that something happens or happened in a particular month. For instance in January or in May and so on. To do so, we need to add to particular Polish month a letter w or word we. Also, the ending of the month will change, please have a look:

Polish Sound English
w styczniuin January
w lutymin February
w marcuin March
w kwietniuin April
w majuin May
w czerwcuin June
w lipcuin July
w sierpniuin August
we wrześniuin September
w październiuin October
w listopadziein November
w grudniuin December

If you prefer to have it in one audio file, here it is:

Useful phrases with Polish months

If you want to retain all this information, perhaps the best way by remembering whole sentences. Below you will find some examples.

Polish Sound English
W styczniu w Polsce jest zimnoIn January it is cold in Poland
W lutym mamy ferie zimoweIn February we have winter school break
W marcu zaczyna się wiosnaThe spring begins in March
W kwietniu czasami pada deszcz a czasami świeci słońceIn April it sometimes rains and sometimes it is sunny
W maju kwitną kasztanyChestnut trees bloom in May
W czerwcu robi się ciepłoIt gets warm in June
W lipcu jeździmy na wakacjeIn July we go on holidays
W sierpniu jest bardzo gorącoIn August it is very hot
We wrześniu wracamy do szkołyIn September we go back to school
W październiu robi się coraz chłodniejIn October it gets cooler
W listopadzie spadają liście z drzewIn November the leaves fall from the trees
W grudniu często pada śniegIt often snows in December

I hope that this information will help you to learn the names of months in Polish. Please visit our Polish language resources to learn some more 😀

answered by
over 3 years ago

Thanks for your question. You should also know that each month is subject to a certain time of the year.

Winter - zima for example: Zima to mroźna pora roku. Winter is the cold season of the year.

Spring - wiosna for example: Wiosna jest ciepłą porą roku. Spring is a warm season.

Summer - lato for example: Lato jest bardzo upalne. Summer is very hot.

Autumn - jesień for example: Jesień to pora, kiedy pojawiają się pierwsze przymrozki. Autumn is the season when the first frosts appear.

December (from the 22nd of this month), January, February and March (until the 21st) are winter. The second part of March, all April, May and June (until the 21st day) is spring. The second part of June, the whole of July, August and September (September 22) is summer. The second part of September, October, November and December (until the 21st day) is autumn.

At winter - zimą for example: Zimą pada dużo śniegu. At winter, it rains a lot of snow.

At spring for example: Wiosną przyroda budzi się do życia. Nature comes to life at spring.

At summer - latem for example: Latem możemy się opalać. We can sunbathe at summer.

At autumn - jesienią for example: Jesienią zbieramy kolorowe liście i kasztany. At the autumn, we collect colorful leaves and chestnuts.

For the pronunciation of each month, see the answer above. I hope I was able to answer your question.

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