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Goodnight in Italian


asked by
over 3 years ago

I bought my wife an Italian course for Christmas and seeing that she is not learning yet I started thinking of learning Italian myself.

Can somebody tell me a few basic greetings and phrases? For instance, how is it good morning, good afternoon and goodbye in Italian?

5 answers
answered by
Ania Marysia
over 3 years ago

Buon giorno Buon pomeriggio Arrivederci good evening = Buona serata good night = Buona Notte!

answered by
over 3 years ago

Thank you Ania! I didn't know you also speak Italian 😀

answered by
Ania Marysia
over 3 years ago

Nie, nie mowie o wlosku. To jest bardzo przypomina hiszpanskiej jezyki lacinskie. Moja babcia troche nas nauczyla. Bo jestem wloskiego pochodzenia moj brat i moja siostra pracuja nad jezykiem. Pamietam cale zycie, jak to powiedziec po wlosku: "I am bored and have nothing to do so I will go in the kitchen and eat!" Przedprasam o the lack of "punctuation"-lines and tails as I have not taken the time to fix this yet. Sam and Rosemary have been to Italy but I never went.

answered by
Ania Marysia
over 3 years ago

**Prosze Pawel- ANIA Marysia

answered by
over 3 years ago

I confirm what Ania Marysia said. Of course, we consider them a little bit formal. Most of the time we simply say "Ciao" 😀

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