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Frequency adverbs in Polish


asked by
about 5 years ago
Hello! I'd like to know some useful frequency adverbs like always, sometimes etc.
1 answer
answered by
about 5 years ago

Hi! Good question. Frequency adverbs are very important.

Polish frequency adverbs

These are very popular words in any language, also in Polish, and you will certainly use them all the time. OK, please have a look at the list, try to remember them and use them in sentences. I will also give you some sample Polish sentences so you will know how to use them.

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zawsze always

codziennie every day

często often, frequently

czasami sometimes, occasionally

rzadko rarely, seldom

nigdy never

dwa razy w tygodniu twice a week

pięc razy w miesiącu five times a month

raz w roku once a year


Now let's practice what we have learned in a few sentences. It is slightly difficult to say when these adverbs are located in sentences. It depends on several factors, but we could say that in many cases these adverbs are located at the beginning of the sentence. Please have a look:

Play audio Zawsze zapominam gdzie położyłem swój telefon komórkowy I always forget where I put my mobile phone

Staraj się zawsze odrabiać pracę domową! Always try to do your homework!

Marcin codziennie rano bierze prysznic Every day in the morning Marcin takes shower

Ćwiczę codziennie, czasami nawet dwa razy dziennie I practice every day, sometimes even twice a day

Często boli go głowa, być może on powinien pójść do lekarza He often has headaches, perhaps he should see a doctor

Często myślę o niej I often think about her

Czasami jeździmy na wycieczki za granicę a czasami zostajemy w Polsce Sometimes we go on trips abroad and sometimes we stay in Poland

Anna czasami pracuje w niedziele Anna sometimes works on Sundays

Rzadko czytam książki, wolę oglądać filmy I rarely read books, I prefer to watch films

Coś takiego zdarza się bardzo rzadko Such thing happens very rarely

Niestety nigdy nie byłem w Paryżu Unfortunately I have never been to Paris

Nigdy nie pamiętam swojego numeru telefonu I never remember my phone number

Here are a few sample expressions where it is being say specifically how often something happens:

Play audio Raz w tygodniu gram w tenisa ze swoją przyjaciółką Once a week I play tennis with my friend (female)

Adam chodzi na siłownię dwa razy w tygodniu Adam goes to the gym twice a week

Chodzę na lekcje gry na gitarze trzy razy w tygodniu I to guitar classes three times a week

Raz w miesiącu chodzimy do kina lub do teatru Once a month we go to a cinema or a theatre

Julia robi zakupy w Warszawie dwa razy w miesiącu Julia goes shopping to Warsaw twice a month

Zazwyczaj jeździmy na wakacje raz w roku Usually we go on holidays once a year

Dwa razy w roku odwiedzam swoich rodziców Three times a month I visit my parents

How often... ? How many times a week/month/year?

Of course, we also need to know how to ask in Polish about a frequency of an event. Like in English, we can simply ask how often something happens or be more specific and ask how many times in a particular length of time. Here are a few examples of such questions:

Play audio Jak często wyjeżdżasz za granicę? (informal) How often do you go abroad?

Jak często wyjeżdża pan/pani za granicę? (formal to a man/woman) How often do you go abroad?

Ja często chodzisz do fryzjera? (informal) How often do you go to a hairdresser?

Ile razy w tygodniu robicie zakupy? (informal) How many times a week do you go shopping?

Ile razy w miesiącu masz lekcje gry na pianinie? (informal) How many times a month have you got piano classes?

Ile razy w roku jeżdżą państwo na wakacje? (formal to a couple) How many times a year do you go on holidays?

I think this is pretty clear. In Polish language if you want to know how often something happens you need to start a question with Jak często or Ile razy and then ask for a particular action.

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