Does English have gendered nouns?
General questions
asked by
Kelly published
over 4 years ago
Yes! But not many which makes them easier to remember.
There are very few nouns used in English that are different if talking about a man or a woman.
Most of them are used when talking about people's jobs, so this is what we will focus on in this article. See some examples below.
Male - Waiter
Female - Waitress
Male - Comedian
Female - Comedienne
Male - Actor
Female - Actress
Male - Masseur
Female - Masseuse
Male - Steward
Female - Stewardess
However, if you use the male version when talking about a woman then it is not a problem.
If you say, for example, "she is an actor", this is acceptable. Using the male version of these nouns is becoming more common.
Below, there are some more examples, but this time you cannot use the male version when talking about women.
Male - Headmaster
Female - Headmistress
Male - Barman
Female - Barmaid
Male - Policeman
Female - Policewoman
I hope you find this helpful, let me know if you have any questions or would like to add your own examples!
1 answer
answered by
Pawel published
over 4 years ago
Never realized that Kelly, thanks a lot! 😀
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