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Do you have to live in the country in order to learn a language?

General questions English

asked by
almost 5 years ago

Hi. I'm learning English at home but I struggle with listening and speaking. Is it possible to improve without living in the country?

2 answers
answered by
almost 5 years ago

Ciao. Struggling is part of learning anything sooner or later. No matter where you are and how lucky you are.

Many think that being in the country will make the real change but it doesn't. I saw plenty of people, among my students and not, who live in the country but have few or none possibilities to practice the local language.

In general, you have more choice and you need the language more so it's easier for your brain to develop the listening and reading but that doesn't necessarily apply for writing and speaking, especially the first. But if you force yourself into talking with native speakers, wherever you are, it will help you as much as living in the country or maybe even more.

answered by
almost 5 years ago

I think that being in the country where the language is spoken is not a requisite but it does help. It is much easier to immerse yourself in the language when you live in such a country. You can watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers, chat to locals, etc.

All this is possible if you do not live in such a country but it requires more effort. I do not want to discourage you. I myself have learned English at home in Poland. It's perfectly possible and thanks to technology much easier than in the past.

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