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Difficulties in undestanding spoken Polish


asked by
Ania Marysia
about 4 years ago
Why does it seem like many Polish speakers do in fact blunt, mumble, or leave off the ending of words!
1 answer
answered by
about 4 years ago

Hi Ania,

It is not the case, not only Polish speakers do it, we all do it 😀

Ask somebody who started learning a foreign language, and they will say that the speakers of that language speak way too fast, mumble, etc. While in fact, this is a natural, normal way of speaking and the natives understand them without any problems.

To understand better, try to listen to more Polish content, (stories, podcast, etc. ) and read the text at the same time. To progress you need to understand what you are listening to, so re-listening and some additional work with vocabulary may be required.

I did exactly that when learning French and after a few months my understanding of spoken French increased a lot.

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