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Learn PolishHello. How do you say the days of the week in Polish? Can you also show me the pronunciation in some way?
3 answersHi 😀 let me show you everything you asked for!
I have also made a short Youtube video presenting days of the week in Polish. If you prefer video format, please have a look:
In the second table, you will find information on how to say in Polish that something happens on a particular day of the week. This will be helpful if you want to say that some kind of activity happens on Monday, on Friday or any other day. As you will notice, in Polish it is a bit more complicated than in English when we just add "on" to the basic name of the day.
Usually you need to put w but in the case of Tuesday, you need to add we instead.
In some cases the ending of the day name will also change: niedziela Sunday but w niedzielÄ™ on Sunday. I agree it is slightly compliated but I think the way to master it is to repeat is many times until using the correct forms becomes automatic. OK, let's have a look.
There are also slight differences when we use plurals forms for days of the week (like in sentence On Mondays I go to the swimming pool W poniedziałki chodzę na basen), but I think that such sentences are not frequent so I have decided not to include them. However, if you would like to know these forms or have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
Fantastic, thanks a lot!
Great resource for learning Polish days of the week.
btw, there is a nice Polish song Niedziela będzie dla nas where the lyrics contain all the days of the week.
Please have a look (lyrics with Polish days of the week below the video)
W poniedziałek w poniedziałek ja nie mogę
Bo pomagam mamie
A we wtorek a we wtorek i w środę
Ty masz w domu pranie
No a w czwartek no a w czwartek ja mam dyżur
W piÄ…tek w piÄ…tek dwa zebrania
Ty w sobotę ty w sobotę też nie możesz
Bo na lekcje ganiasz
Ale za to niedziela
Ale za to niedziela
Niedziela będzie dla nas
A za tydzień
W poniedziałek ty nie możesz
Bo pomagasz mamie
A we wtorek a we wtorek i w środę
Ja mam w domu w pranie
No a w czwartek no a w czwartek ty masz dyżur
W piÄ…tek w piÄ…tek dwa zebrania
Ty w sobotę Ty w sobotę znów nie możesz
Bo na lekcjÄ™ ganiasz
Ale za to niedziela
Ale za to niedziela
Niedziela będzie dla nas