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Learn PolishHello Celina,
Thanks for your question. It is slightly difficult to answer as you wrote about a few different scenarios. I will include a few Polish sentences below but please also refer to our course Polish for beginners course, where you will find quite a few Polish dialouges with useful phrses.
Cześć, co u ciebie? Hi, how are you?
Cześć, co słychać? Hi, how are things?
Co robisz w piątek? What do you do on Friday?
Jakie masz plany na weekend? What are your plans for the weekend?
Może pójdziemy do kina? Maybe we shall go to the cinema?
Może pójdziemy na kawę? Maybe we shall go for a coffee?
Masz ochotę na lody? Do you fancy some ice creams?
Chcesz coś do picia? Do you want anything to drink?
Ile kosztuje pizza? How much is a pizza?
Ile to kosztuje? How much is it?
Czy mają państwo wolny stolik? Do you have a free table?
dla dwóch/trzech/czterech osób for two/three/four people
Czy mogę prosić o kartę (dań)? Can I have the menu?
Co może pan/pani polecić? What can you recommend?
Przepraszam, czy możemy złożyć zamówienie? Excuse me, can I order?
Czy mogę zamówić...? Can I order...?
Poproszę o... Can I get...?
Czy mogę zapłacić? Can I pay?
Czy mogę prosić o rachunek? Can I have the bill, please?