Can You Improve Your Language by Watching TV?

General questions

asked by
almost 5 years ago

Yes, despite some people often saying that it is not possible, it definitely is and is a great way to improve your conversation skills in particular. Listening to the language on TV helps us learn correct pronunciation, it helps us learn grammar structures based on context, and it allows us to learn more colloquial ways of speaking. To help more, you can also put on the subtitles and write new words that you can add to your list to study.

1 answer
answered by
almost 5 years ago

I agree Kelly. I also find it very useful but there is one thing we need to remember when trying to improve language by watching TV.

In order to improve, we need to understand quite a lot. If a programme or a film is too advanced, we will be quickly discouraged and will probably quit. Even if we continue, this will not be very efficient.

The same principle should be applied to using subtitles. If they help us to understand, we should keep them on. However, at some point, when we understand a lot without them, at this point we should stop using them.

To sum this up, I think that watching TV can be a great way to improve the language for intermediate and upper intermediate learners. If somebody is not at this level yet, they may consider watching slow pace YouTube videos in the target language first and then move to watching TV later on.

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