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Basic Polish phrases


asked by
over 5 years ago

Hi! Can you tell me some useful basic Polish phrases for starting out?

1 answer
answered by
over 5 years ago

Hi! 馃榾 I'm glad to see you want to learn Polish :) sure, here a list for some useful and basic ones.

Basic phrases in Polish language


Polish Sound English
Cze艣膰! Hi! or Hello!
informal expression, you can use it at any time of the day, in the evening and also as 'Bye!' when leaving
Cze艣膰, jak si臋 masz? Hi, how are you? (informal)
Cze艣膰, co s艂ycha膰? Hello, how are things? (informal)
Cze艣膰, co u ciebie? Hello, how are you? informal
Wszystko w porz膮dku All good
informal, used when answering “How are you?” question
Dzie艅 dobry Good morning
more formal, use if you do not know somebody well of if that person is older than you
Dzie艅 dobry Good afternoon
in Polish there is just one expression for both Good morning and Good afternoon
Dobry wiecz贸r Good evening formal
Do widzenia Goodbye formal
Dobra noc Good night formal
Na razie! Bye! informal
Trzymaj si臋! Bye! informal

Useful expressions

Polish Sound English
Tak Yes
Nie No
Dzi臋kuj臋 Thank you
Przepraszam Excuse me
Przykro mi I'm sorry
Czym si臋 zajmujesz? What do you do?informal, when asking about profession
Ile masz lat? How old are you?informal
Jaki jest tw贸j numer telefonu? What's your phone number?informal
Jaki jest tw贸j adres email? What's your email address?informal
Co robisz w wolnym czasie? What do you do in your spare time? informal
Czy m贸wisz po polsku? Do you speak Polish?informal
Czy m贸wisz po angielsku? Do you speak English?informal
Nie rozumiem I don't understand
Czy mo偶esz m贸wi膰 wolniej? Can you speak slowly?informal
Czy mo偶esz powt贸rzy膰? Can you repeat that?informal

Introducing yourself

Polish Sound English
Mam na imi臋 Robert I am Robert
Moje nazwisko Malinowski My surname is Malinowski
Nazywam si臋 Robert Malinowski My name is Robert Malinowski
Jak masz na imi臋? What is your name? informal
Jak si臋 pan nazywa? What is your name? formal, you ask a man
Jak si臋 pani nazywa? What is your name? formal, you ask a woman
Czy mog臋 si臋 przedstawi膰? May I introduce myself?
Mi艂o mi Pleasure! both informal and formal
Mi艂o mi ci臋 pozna膰 Nice to meet you informal
Mi艂o mi pana pozna膰 Nice to meet you formal, you say it to a man
Mi艂o mi pani膮 pozna膰 Nice to meet you formal, you say it to a woman

Where are you from?

Polish Sound English
Sk膮d jeste艣? Where are you from? informal
Z jakiego kraju jeste艣? What country are you from? informal
Jestem ... z Polski, z Niemiec, z W艂och, z Francji, z Hiszpanii, z Portugalii, z Anglii, ze Stan贸w Zjednoczonych I'm... from Poland, from Germany, from Italy, from France, from Spain, from Portugal, from England, from United States
Sk膮d pochodzisz? Where do you come from? informal
Sk膮d pan pochodzi? Where do you come from? formal, you ask a man
Sk膮d pani pochodzi? Where do you come from? formal, you ask a woman
Pochodz臋 ... z Polski, z Niemiec, z W艂och, z Francji, z Hiszpanii, z Portugalii, z Anglii, ze Stan贸w Zjednoczonych I come from... Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, England, United States
Gdzie mieszkasz? Where do you live? informal
Gdzie pan mieszka? Where do you live? formal, you ask a man
Gdzie pani mieszka? Where do you live? forman, you ask a woman
Mieszkam... w Polsce, w Niemczech, we W艂oszech, we Francji, w Hiszpanii, w Portugalii, w Anglii, w Stanach Zjednoczonych I live... in Poland, in Germany, in Italy, in France, in Spain, in Portugal, in England, in United States
Mieszkam... w Warszawie, w Berlinie, w Rzymie, w Pary偶u, w Madrycie, w Lizbonie, w Londynie, w Nowym Jorku I live... in Warsaw, in Berlin, in Rome, in Paris, in Madrit, in Lisbon, in London, in New York City
Jakiej jeste艣 narodowo艣ci? What is your nationality? informal
Jestem... Polakiem, Niemcem, W艂ochem, Francuzem, Hiszpanem, Portugalczykiem, Anglikiem, Amerykaninem I am... Polish, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, American spoken by men
Jestem... Polk膮, Niemk膮, W艂oszk膮, Francuzk膮, Hiszpank膮, Portugalk膮, Angielk膮, Amerykank膮) I am... Polish, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, American spoken by women

I hope you have found this useful and learn these Polish basic phrases in no time. Please leave an answer below if you have any questions. You will find more information about the language in our Polish language resource section.

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